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Release Notes


Released Jan 30, 2025

  1. Upgrade to django==5.1.4, wagtail==6.3.2, and all other project dependencies as well.
  2. Upgrade django-viewcomponent and django-formify to fix some minor bugs.
  3. Refactored the Celery Demo to use Turbo Stream in order to reduce the amount of custom JavaScript code.


Released Oct 1, 2024

  1. Open sourced django-formify as a new form rendering solution for Django.
  2. Switch from crispy-tailwind to django-formify and customized form styles.
  3. Fixed some minor bugs.


Released Aug 1, 2024

  1. Upgrade Turbo to support morph method in Turbo Stream and InstantClick (Turbo-Prefetch).
  2. Use django-lifecycle to broadcast Turbo Stream, to make real-time updates on a web page.
  3. Supports Two Factor Authentication in user profile.
  4. Use Mailpit to replace MailHog
  5. Add two premium articles


Released Jun 1, 2024

  1. Use django-lookbook to replace django-pattern-library for building the next generation UI component library.
  2. Upgrade python-webpack-boilerplate, tailwindcss-stimulus-components and other frontend dependencies.
  3. Upgrade to wagtail==5.0.5, django==4.2.13, and other Python dependencies.
  4. Add Centralized Logging and Speed Up Python with Golang to the premium articles.
  5. Deprecate Tailwind's @screen directive.
  6. Fixed some minor bugs.


Released Apr 1, 2024

  1. Build server-side component solution powered by django-viewcomponent.
  2. Build new component library django lookbook


Released Mar 4, 2024

  1. Replace native confirm modal with custom modal built with Tailwind CSS
  2. Switch message from top bar to toast notification.
  3. Add custom Turbo Stream actions.
  4. Upgrade some Tailwind CSS component such as Modal, Tab
  5. Make password strength Stimulus controller work with server side errors.
  6. Fix some minor bugs.


Released Jan 29, 2024

  1. Upgrade to Turbo 8 with turbo-refresh-method=morph and turbo-refresh-scroll=preserve set, this can make page scroll position preserved after page refresh.
  2. Switch from django-turbo-response to django-turbo-helper with more powerful features.
  3. Using after_create_commit, after_update_commit and after_delete_commit from django-turbo-helper to trigger broadcast for model instance.


Released Nov 30, 2023

  1. Replaced Babel with SWC (Speedy Web Compiler) to improve build performance by approximately 20% - 30%.
  2. Became the maintainer of django-turbo-response and introduced new template tags turbo_frame, turbo_stream, and turbo_stream_from.
  3. Utilized the new template tags in SaaS Hammer demo apps to render Turbo Frame and Turbo Stream, enhancing code readability similar to Rails.
  4. Adopted django-actioncable as the default WebSocket solution.


Released Oct 31, 2023

  1. Add ChatGPT Demo to show how to use Hotwire, Django, Celery to build Chatbot.
  2. Move SaaS Hammer Premium Book to the live site.
  3. Update GitHub Action to clean up outdated package.


Released Sep 28, 2023

  1. Launch SaaS Hammer Premium Book, which provides more valuable content and code examples for paid users.
  2. Upload frontend sourcemaps to Sentry for better event processing.
  3. Fix style bug of the clipboard_controller.
  4. Update password_strength_controller to improve UI interaction.
  5. Upgrade dj-stripe
  6. Upgrade to Docker Compose V2


Released Aug 29, 2023

  1. Implement lazy loading for Stimulus Controller to load components on demand, utilizing code splitting techniques to reduce the initial load time.
  2. Enhance the frontend workflow by incorporating automatic compression of static images during the build process.
  3. Introduce a script that facilitates image resizing and conversion of static images to modern formats like webp and avif.
  4. Add a Progressive Web App (PWA) demo.
  5. Include as a valuable learning resource for Web Scraping techniques.


Released Jul 29, 2023

  1. Add some UI Examples such as Progress Bar, Infinite Scroll, Sortable Solution, etc. to the doc.
  2. Add progress bar to the Celery Demo.
  3. Add sortable list to the Task Demo.
  4. Do Lazy loading on the image elements.
  5. Upgrade to Python 3.10
  6. Upgrade to Django 4


Released Jun 30, 2023

  1. Use PostHog to help track user behavior, analyze product data
  2. Release eBook The Definitive Guide to Hotwire and Django (2.0.0)
  3. Password Widget support show/hide password


Released May 26, 2023

  1. Add Component Library to the home page.
  2. Add Chart, Steps components.
  3. Support writing Stimulus controller in Typescript.
  4. Set Stimulus DEBUG based on NODE_ENV
  5. Support tracking with Google Tag Manager
  6. Some improvements on the page UI.


Released Apr 9, 2023

  1. Add Typescript support to the frontend app
  2. Migrate the docs to Docusaurus, and deploy on Netlify
  3. Upgrade pre-commit hooks


Released Feb 29, 2023

  1. Add OpenAPI support to Rest API
  2. Add custom exception handler to Rest API
  3. Add support for hybrid iOS app
  4. Add support for hybrid Android app
  5. Upgrade pre-commit hooks


Released Dec 31, 2022

  1. Upgrade to Node v18
  2. Upgrade to Wagtail 4
  3. Upgrade Python dependencies and frontend dependencies
  4. Update home page style.


Released Oct 10, 2022

  1. Add Rest API support
  2. Supports consistent Signup, Login behavior via Rest API
  3. Supports JSON Web Token (JWT)
  4. Expose User data via Rest API
  5. Add tests code to show how to test Rest API.


Released Aug 30, 2022

  1. Supports Responsive HTML email
  2. Add Mailchimp integration
  3. Switch to watchfiles for auto reload Celery worker during development.
  4. Add timezone field to User model.


Released Jul 31, 2022

  1. Upgrade to python 3.9.13
  2. Update doc about Cloudflare
  3. Update User Factory
  4. Update pre-commit dependency
  5. Import Dependabot to help upgrade Python and Node dependency
  6. Update home page to display Changelog


Released Jun 30, 2022

  1. Add custom form widgets (toggle, richtext, select, password), and they are available on the Pattern Library
  2. Refactored frontend/js/app.js


Released Jun 21, 2022

  1. Add payment feature based on Stripe
  2. Add doc about the Payment and Subscription


Released May 19, 2022

  1. First release!